About us

Speekcha is a platform where people can come together and exchange ideas and share knowledge or talents etc. Our vision is to create a platform where people support each other. 

To support each other, we have created various forms such as sending tips, upload videos for free or selling them. Same with your photos or galleries. 

You can sell digital or physical products, such as if you created something yourself ( like your images or videos). You can create for example crowdfunding campaign to provide your followers or fans to fund your work or other purposes through donations. And so many more functions we have for you.

Followers or viewers can tip you live during the stream or you can create for any amount a private chats, or for a special group a group chat. And so much functions more - especially for the Streamers (Performers). 

You need to check it out. We offer speekcha only for adults as streamer (performer) because we use a token system and the performers can earn some income with the functions that we are offering. We therefore ask for your understanding that performers must verify themselves.

Let us start to support each other and having fun.